Saturday, 21 July 2012

toltec spaceman

The toltec spaceman represents a new cosmogony.It's the same as Lord of the Rings and all these works that create a new universe, which in some way is the same as ours, and yet is at the same time, a significant departure from ours. The map of middle earth is the map of the human soul, as it realates cosmogonically to the destiny of the individual and of man. This may seem too mystical, poetic, abstract; and yet it is really the ony way to talk about this, issue of issues. Mankind's destiny. Mankind' s fate, which of course has significantly altered since the cry of the eagle in June 1995. For further clarification of this see the introduction to Cry of the Eagle, Vol 2 of the Toltec Teachings themselves.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012



I lay me down on a seed bed
To grow myself some sleep,
I put down roots
In sleep’s deep soil,
where all good things are stored.
And so I slept a sleep profound
which nurtured my deep soul,
for all Grace lives in a realm beyond
and we just ciphers here.
But here is there, and there is here,
there is no strict remove,
we inhabit the uninhabitable,
as above, so below.
Everyday we sow seeds of sleep in our garden,
and each seed blooms in a little snore,
to sing its song to a sleeping ear
and render all things clear.
For we are all God’s gardeners,
and our garden eternity is;
for what we grow will stay with us
as each cycle bears its fruit.
So pray as you lay on your seed bed
pray to be more asleep
so those snoring seeds of sleepiness
can grow you more awake.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

worm fate falling apart with a misltetoe phobia!


Saw a worm on the pavement, crawling? or sliding? his way towards the grass. i knew he/she/it would die if it didn't get there. i could always pick it up and place it there.  i thought about it. then i decided not to. who am i to interfere with someone else's destiny? much better i thought, to believe the worm would make it. which i did as i walked off. i believed. I'm sure he did.


Why did the druids and others revere it so much????? why is it used as a cure for cancer??? what is the mystery here? why do we kiss under it???? i think the answer here, if indeed there can be an answer, is in the way the plant grows.

Mistletoe plants grow on a wide range of host trees, and commonly reduce their growth but can kill them with heavy infestation. Viscum album can parasitise more than 200 tree and shrub species. All mistletoes are hemi-parasites, bearing evergreen leaves that do some photosynthesis, and using the host mainly for water and mineral nutrients. Mistletoe first sprouts from bird feces[citation needed] on the trunk of the tree and in its early stages of life it takes nutrients from this source.[citation needed] Species more or less completely parasitic include the leafless quintral, Tristerix aphyllus, which lives deep inside the sugar-transporting tissue of a spiny cactus, appearing only to show its tubular red flowers,[6] and the genus Arceuthobium (dwarf mistletoe; Santalaceae) which has reduced photosynthesis; as an adult, it manufactures only a small proportion of the sugars it needs from its own photosythesis but as a seedling it actively photosynthesizes until a connection to the host is established.

we can see that MISTLETOE is unique in not wanting to be independent. it uses a host. it does not connect to the ground. apart from this being in mirror for cancer, in that cancer is something that develops independently of the needs of the host, it is also a mirror for the well known spiritual cliche, where we talk of being of the world, but not in the world. which is to say, i am it, but i don't identify with it. a well known strategy for dealing with illness itself. this is what MISTLETOE seems to symbolise or mirror. could this account for its veneration and use medicnally and in a folk sense. i wonder?? also the fact that it is propagated by bird shit. it seems to value our most undervalued thing. i.e. shit. is this wisdom? is MISLETOE just a very wise plant?????


a fear that does not seem in proportion to its cause. or is justified by its cause. my friend, God bless her, had a phobia about going into department stores. we have to ask, what actual harm could come to her? even had she spent all her money, her husband has a good job. she cannot starve.

i think a phobia represents an area in which we have a faulty perception of what is taking place. it is a communication from our dark denied side, to our light accepted side, about where we should look for in terms of a way to heal ourselves. help ourselves. find which area is the right area to work in,in this regard. or as it is put in the TOLTEC TEACHINGS about knowing which battle to fight.

 in this way phobias are extremely useful, in that if we try and treat them positively, and not just try to get rid of them, they could lead us to very fruitful places indeed.

For a more comprehensive look at this area see Thomas Dethelsen's famous work.

The Healing Power of Illness; The Meaning of Symptoms and How to Interpret Them



Product Details

Pema Chodron in her marvellous book, when things go kaputt!!! talks about BODICHITTA.
now this is one of those very technical buddhist things. yawn.  this kind of terminolgy always puts me off.
however, she is actually talking about what is referred to in the TOLTEC TEACHINGS

as 'the quietness of life'. a thing a warrior needs to cultivate, on his definitive journey. what she says about this is indeed very wise and very true, and i reccomend her book to everyone with a serious interest in this
subject area.


What is the spirit? The spirit is nothing. Or no-thing. This is its simplest definition. Now. How do we spot the presence of nothing, or no-thing in our lives?
Yes. A very tricky proposition (snoop dog?), and yet, the spirit pervades both life manifest and life unmanifest, and so it definitely is there around us. Not only that, but it is there to help and guide us, if possible. If we are awake enough to sense in some way its presence. In some way. But how? How can we sense the presence of nothing or no-thing? Well. We can’t. All we do is notice its secondary effects, as it were. Perhaps not even secondary. Effects many times removed from their original cause or stimulus. In other words, I suppose, we must look out the corner of our eye. Or as Jesus said, not let our right hand know what our left hand is doing. In more recognisable terms, I can point to a very obvious example and relate that to my own life.


Music in many ways is the Spirit. I think we’ve all at some time heard a certain piece of music somewhere, and been ‘entranced’! inspired. Carried away, as it were.  It really doesn’t matter if it’s pop, classical, or Jamaican bongo music. The music shows us the potential for something new. A new way to feel. A new way to be. And this is the spirit talking to us. Why? Well. Music is very close to nothing. It’s really just vibrations and air moving. Nothing concrete. And why does music have the effect it does? Nobody knows. No scientific formula can explain it. We can say it mirrors nature in using patterns, but that’s about all. But being close to nothing, it can channel the spirit very well.

In my own case of meeting the Spirit, it was hearing a friend at secondary school play a Beatles song on the piano, ‘Martha my dear’, and feeling absolutely entranced and thinking, I want to do that! Play the piano! This led me to get to know this friend a lot better, learning music with him, and writing songs with him, and eventually it was this friend who first introduced me to the work of Carlos Castaneda! Now. Considering that it was when I read Castaneda in my early thirties, for the second time, and it was then that I had a ‘spiritual awakening’, you can see how my meeting with the Spirit , in the first instance, was not as straight forward as it appeared, or did not appear, at that time in my life. In fact of course, I had no idea at all that I had met the Spirit. I thought it was all about music and learning the piano! For the Spirit can’t talk directly to us. It has to be devious. And a lot of people find this deviousness so repellent, that they never entertain the possibility of the concept of meeting the Spirit, to exist at all in their lives. Sadly. But this ‘trickery’ is necessary. Absolutely.

But what did happen when I heard ‘Martha my dear’ on the school upright?????
What really happened???

Kieth Johnstone in his seminal work IMPRO, talks about interrupting routines.

I’m on about theatre, or comedy improvisation here.
He recognised that performers get stuck in one track and need to be jolted out of it. If they start on one thing, like digging holes, they just dig holes endlessly, until someone recognises, it is a routine, and says, “Hey! Lets plant a tree!!!!!!”
Now the same thing happened to me when I met the Spirit. My routine was to go around thinking constantly, magic doesn’t exist; magic doesn’t exist. Etc. but then I heard the music, and had my ‘realisation’, that jolted me out of my routine. I thought, “ Hey!! Magic does exist!!! He’s playing it!!!!!”

Let’s stop and think. We know that John the Baptist used to baptise people. Why? Why stick their head under water? What for? It’s a nonsensical act really.
Just getting someone soaking wet? Or is it? Was he actually trying to break their routine? Was John the Baptist really Keith Johnstone??? And of course, we know what happened when Jesus came along, and the Spirit descended from heaven, in the shape of a dove! The Spirit.

Let’s stop and think again. With Castaneda his first meeting with Don Juan is at the core of his work. (If you don’t know this story please look it up.) He mentions this meeting in nearly every book. Even his last one! So that what happens is, it becomes this huge myth. The momentous meeting where something transcendental and awesome took place! In ‘reality’ of course Castaneda didn’t meet Don Juan, at the bus depot, he met the Spirit. He was entranced by a look! A look which made him realise that  his routine, his academic bluster, which he used on everyone regardless, was actually nonsense! This is what that look told him! It jolted him out of his routine, just as Martha jolted me out of mine. Not that I’m comparing myself to him. 

But how can I reduce everything to impro. Which it so obviously isn’t. We’re talking about the Godfather of the new age movement. Dr Carlos Castaneda, a man whom I am very grateful too, and respect and admire. How? Well, as I said at the outset, that the spirit is nothing or no-thing. It is an absence. A void which appears and allows something new to fill it. And this points us to what normally fills this gap. And that would be THE SCRIPT,  or THE SCORE, or THE PLAN, or whatever. The ‘thing’ behind what we do, that makes sure it always stays within certain parameters. And we all know those parameters. Let’s be honest!

So in the final analysis, what have I said? I have said the Spirit is present in music. And that is saying nothing. Or no-thing. We all know that. And that is the Spirit. It is nothing.

Friday, 13 July 2012


Where the grass is glass
and would probably cut your feet
if you had no shoes.
(Are we naked in hell? Probably.)
Or if you had, (shoes) the grass,
would crunch and splinter
under your feet
like hell’s own electric frost!
And beds of iron they’d have.
On which to toss. (HA,HA.)
And nothing to drink
but dust
(shaken but not stirred).
And nowhere to sit down.
Just standing room.
And nothing to do.
And they’d give you iron gloves
that will not bend
to hold a pen
or pick up something
or do anything
so all you can do
is think, in hell.
And there is food.
But always too much.
All boiled to mush.
A great heap
on your plate
badly presented
nill grace.
And the air is close
for the wind never blows
so nothing moves
in hell.
Nothing, at all.
And you are in it.
Standing there.
Of all you took for granted,
When alive...
In Heaven.


This is not a tree.
This is not a tree.
This is NOT a tree!
This is a wood process.
A song in your headboard.
A hard-boiled film noir.
A tale told by and idiot.
The consequences of dialectics on a water vole.
The Brandenburg Concertos.
A fool in love.
All the years of mass superstition, hysteria, right-thinking, all boiled up in a big vat into a kind of grey sludge you can use to paste over last years snows.

Thursday, 12 July 2012


One negative image always attached to anger is that of Hitler having a tantrum. we see this newsreel footage and we automatically think bad! wrong! infantile! even, EVIL! and this means we always forget that it was thru anger that Hilter united Germany, at a time when Genrmany desparately needed uniting. They were in a deep crisis and someting had to be done. Of course we all know the negative side of this 'solution' to the problem, which i no way for a second condone, obviously. I'm just saying that even here there is a postive side to anger.

making a bigger leap, it's also easy to forget that Jesus got angry. in the temple with the money changers. 
so the next time you have a tantrum remember, Jesus did this too, so it can't be all bad. Having said this it also true that  this is to my knowledge, only time Jesus got angry, and I think he must have thoought in the temple, just this once I will act out my anger, to show people that. Well that thought occured to me. That's all.


why can't we show are anger in this world? why do we have to keep on repressing it in the name civilisation? it's like the architect's sketch by python. the architect desings an abbatior instead of a block of flats, like topmast fucking point!, and then gets angry when they turn it down. not just angry, but brilliantly, hair-raisingly, john cleese genius angry! its as if the only way we can acknowledge our anger is to be crazy. go bonkers. design an abbatior instead of flats. speak in french to a chinese man. go to the corner shop and crap on the counter. be in the metal ward on heavy medication.  but this is dumb! worse than that it's human suffering! if anyone reads this and agrees or disagrees let me know.