Friday, 12 November 2010

PREVERB REAL IMPRO WORKSHOPS (at The Ship, Borough High St, thurs 7.00 - 9.30)

socially conditioned man with door on the top of his head Mother!
In the group we put the empahasis
on working together.
It not really about talent.
It more about having fun and
expressing yourself. In our
group the way we relate
 to each other is the key
issue. The group feeling. Are we
happy together? What comes first?
The group or our
own ego? I mention this because
theatre groups have such a poor record in
this area. Obviously performer's are
very competetive, even if they protest
otherwise. So in our view it is time
for theatre groups to go beyond this
competetive model. But this still a
very difficult thing for most actors, who, let's
face it, simply want to be brilliant in
some production or other, and that is
enough. Why think more deeply about it?
Especially if you are talented????
Oh well. We have found a few people
 now who share this view, sort of, and that
is encouraging. And the result is that doing
the workshops people have enjoyed
themselves immensely and also not felt
they were somehow incapable or not good
enough. In other workshops you often
get the emphasis on individual performance
skills and not on the group dynamic.
It will attract performer's who are obviously
very talented impersonators, good at doing
accents and imitating clelebs and
genres, and of course here is a chance for them
to prove they better at this than you,
so you can end up feeling a bit over awed. 
A bit incapable.What must be realised
is that this kind of performance doesn't
spring from an authentic feeling, but is a
manufactured product designed to impress
others. And in this sense it is not group


 only individual supportive. It's based on
a narrow view of life being just about
your needs as opposed to a broader
more transpersonal view of life which is about
seeing things in terms of society. Or in
terms of relationships. Of course this almost
impossible to explain to people who are
determined to be successful at any price!!!!
The proof though is in the pudding though, as the
old expression goes so come along and find
out for yourself!


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