Thursday, 9 December 2010


scratched on the surface of a frozen pond
at winter’s zero hour
the Egyptian Book of Unsaid!
In rhyming runes that run in ribbons down a road
that leads below
the newscaster’s flat informative face.
“Good evening. This is the six-0-clock disaster!
Read to you by a speaking face.”
Below the Times Crossword puzzle,
six across, ‘intuit Morphic Aunty today’!!!!
Below even those magical words your Mother said
as she tucked you in at night
in your magic bed.
Sail away my dear, in your little boat,
on Holy childhood’s sea, my love, my dear.”
A road that leads below, even that!!!!!
To a soft world of cabbage smells
& velvet brains thinking velvet thoughts
& soft brown sewers like your alimentary canal
& soft brown trouser falling down clowns
blowing soft saxophones
& soft politicians saying soft things like “Trust me!”
& soft policemen with floppy truncheons arresting
penguins for being too penguiny!
& all that soft love you felt for Mandy Sherwin & Janet Dibble,
& Lesley Harpic in ‘3B’
& soft trains shunted into soft sidings at the midnight hour when
no one is looking & nothing is happening for there are
no soft trains running on soft rails below the surface of
no-thing in the not-night of old/new. Or are there?
For suddenly I know!
There will come a thaw!
Of this we can be sure,
Mrs Moore!!!!!!
Even if the ice-caps grow
& the permafrost deepens
& cold hearted C.E.O.’s award themselves
even bigger bonuses!!!!!
There will come a thaw!!!
The ice will crack no matter how thick!
For we will open a soft door
& it will be no more, Mrs Moore!!!!!
NO MORE!!!!!!!!


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