Wednesday 22 October 2008

Ressurection Cirkus

The ringmaster cracks his whip
the red sea parts
and out dance streams of majorettes
twirling batons and kicking maniacally high
they mow down an old clown
blowing soap bubbles out of his toy saxophone
the ringmaster holds up red card
the majorettes protest
the old clown weeps
the sea rises up and huge waves crash down
a single dove flies above
an ipod in its beak
looking for new land
looking for a less craven land
exhausted it falls
like a stone
into the waves below
which subside to reveal
the ringmaster
giving jon the baptist
his ringside pep talk
“get in there jon
you’re the number one
baptizing man, you are
you can put them under
blow them away
rent them asunder
give them hell
christ jon
you're the best!”
so jon leaps up
with his baptizing hat on
a river of crazy foam appears
flowing thru the resurrection circus
dividing it in two
on the left bank
french intellectuals
arguing about proust
on the right bank
the rejects from sodom
slobbering, jerking off, and bad mouthing
nelson mandela!
but jon jumps in
baptizing like mad
the crazy foam flying
until a wave of crazed housewives
running at full tilt
cross the resurrection ring
brandishing handbags
like anunnaki
my oh my
they descend upon jon
and punch the living daylights out of him!
its all a bit monty python (thank g.)